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Dear Sir/Madam,
How are you?hope fine.
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Here Are 5 Ways Reusable Grocery Bags Help the Environment
Plastic Bags Use Up Nonrenewable Resources. Plastic bags are made from oil, which is a fossil fuel and a non-renewable resource. …
Reusable Bags Save Trees. …
Less Litter. …
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions. …
Recyclable Reusable Grocery Bags Minimize the Waste Stream.
There are several benefits to switching your business over to reusable bags. You send a message to employees and customers that your company values saving the environment. Let’s take a closer look at some of the stats behind eco-friendly vs non-eco practices, and why you should make the switch to cotton tote bags in 2019.
1. Add A Competitive Advantage
55% of consumers surveyed said they would pay more for products and services that come from companies who are committed to positive social and environmental impact. That means an investment in natural canvas tote bags could quickly pay off, especially if you charge a higher price point for the products and services you offer. So, if your competitors haven’t switched to cotton tote bags and eco-friendly packaging yet, you have an opportunity to position yourself in this space and gain a competitive advantage.
2. Enhance Your Brand
Cotton tote bags enhance your brand in two ways. First, they can physically make your brand look amazing – branded custom tote bags are a great way to showcase your logo and your message. Second, they align your brand with important values that are much bigger than you – that the environment matters.
3. Attract A Growing Audience
Generation Z (born the mid-90s to mid-2000s) is starting to become an important customer demographic for brands – and over the next decade, their purchasing power will significantly increase. One of the defining factors behind Gen Z is their values. One survey showed that 72% of Gen Z consumers were willing to pay more for companies who demonstrated a commitment to positive social and environmental impact. So, if you want to attract this growing market (and attract a premium price), you’ll need to demonstrate your values with real action, like swapping plastic bags for eco-friendly cotton tote bags.
4. Attract New Employees & Increase Retention
Incorporating changes like switching to cotton tote bags can make a real difference to your employees’ attraction and loyalty to your brand. When you build your reputation as a sustainable and responsible brand, you’ll attract a growing number of employees who share these values. Also, you retain more of your current employees who want to work for a brand that does good in the world.
5. Reduce Pesticides & Toxic Waste
By choosing eco-friendly cotton tote bags, your business stops contributing to the businesses that harm the environment. Eco-friendly cotton or organic cotton is grown without pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers. This is less impactful on the environment and a healthier option for your customers.
6. Improve Quality
Natural canvas tote bags look nicer to use than plastic bags (or even lower grade reusable totes). Replacing your bags with a higher quality alternative means an enjoyable customer experience and brand recognition.
7. Be Unique
Chances are, your competitors aren’t using eco-friendly cotton tote bags (yet). Most of them probably still use plastic bags and packaging. Switching to an eco-friendly, quality bag will help your brand and values stand out to customers. And when your brand is unique, you can easily differentiate yourself from the competition and maybe even charge a higher price.
8. Keep Waste Out Of Landfill and Oceans
91% of plastic waste isn’t recycled, which means it ends up in landfills and the ocean taking hundreds of years (or longer) to break down. It’s devastating to see what this is doing to the environment, wildlife, and communities around the world. It’s up to businesses (like yours) to take the initiative and avoid unnecessary plastic usage. If every business switched to cotton tote bags or a similar biodegradable option, imagine what a difference that could make?
9. Increase Product Life Span and Lifecycle
The environment is extremely important, but your solution must be sustainable for your business. The good news is that cotton tote bags last a lot longer than plastic bags which means the customer will reuse them again and again. Because they’re so durable, your cotton totes might even last years. That means your bags can double as a great long-term investment in building brand awareness, with visibility on your branded totes wherever they’re used.
10. Promote Biodegradable Options
With so much waste going into oceans and landfills each year (and much of it non-biodegradable), businesses must look for more sustainable options that break down faster once their lifespan is ov